Your Trauma Therapist

Martine is a Trauma Therapist, Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator and an accredited Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga facilitator·. Having spent the past 30 years learning and practicing with some of the most highly regarded trauma researchers and trainers to discover a healthy way to work with Trauma in a safe and healthy environment. Martine is an accredited Mental Health Practitioner and an accredited Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator (Boston Trauma Centre).

Martine started her work after completing University with passion and energy and what she realised with reflection was that whilst she was qualified and very passionate about working in the field of mental health, she did not have a good understanding of Trauma. Throughout her studies diagnosis and treatment were focussed on but not Trauma.  Martine realised this in her work as an attachment focused therapist.  She saw that whilst therapy offers connection and a safe relationship, often the very challenging symptoms of traumatic stress did not improve greatly.

While studying with Bessel van der Kolk over 12 years ago that she realised that you cannot treat Trauma by working solely with the thinking mind as the body comes first. This realisation led to further study and accreditation as a Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator and study around the impact of the Brain, Neuroscience, and the Nervous System. Martine was now aware that the way forward in treating trauma is to work with a person as a whole being. If we can feel safe in our bodies, we can change the wiring in our brain and learn to change our narrative of danger to one of safety. Changing the narrative of ‘danger’ in our mind is challenging, however, with support to change your beliefs, we build confidence in creating a new reality. Trauma occurs in the context of relationship and therefore healing in the context of relationship enhances the rewiring of our brain significantly.

From this moment onwards, Martine created The Yoga Clinic, where she could begin to work in this way. Martine has been highly successful in this endeavour and is a highly regarded trauma therapist and trainer.

In order to extend this reach even further she, with her husband Ian, created the Thera Foundation. This foundation ensures that her work is more accessible to people who are looking for a journey of healing.  Thera Yoga, which is a style of Yoga created by Martine for the treatment of Trauma, ensures her highly regarded classes and training is available to a much wider community, shares her knowledge and provides a framework for others to work within the space of treating Mind and Body together.


Martine knew that Yoga was transformational and much more than just a fitness workout. This sparked a passion. Martine is the founder of Thera Foundation and Thera Yoga and is a dedicated Yogi, passionate Yoga Therapist, Trainer and Psychotherapist.

Martine Meditating